
Hubble’s ‘Sizzling’ Super-Earth LTT 1445 Ac: Promising Frontier?

Another Super-Earth LTT 1445 Ac, Hotter Than a Pizza Oven Scientists initially couldn’t determine the mass of the planet, named LTT 1445 A c, discovered in 2022 by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). It orbits a red dwarf star…

ISRO’s Ambitious Roadmap: 2023’s Final Launches & Chandrayaan 4’s Lunar Soil Mission

ISRO’s Focus Sharpens on NISAR Testing as Two Launches Loom Large for November – December Commencing the final phase of ISRO’s eventful year in 2023, the organization has slated the maiden launch of PSLV-C58, a testament to its consistent satellite…

Comets: Agents of Cosmic Life Dissemination

During the Late Heavy Bombardment period roughly 3.8 to 4.1 billion years ago, inner Solar System planets encountered numerous impacts from outer Solar System comets and asteroids. This period, triggered by the giant planets’ migration, saw these celestial bodies hurtling…